If you want to learn more about the campaign you can get involved via one of our events. Below is a list of upcoming and past events. If you are interested in Single Parent Rights’ speaking at an event please contact us here.
upcoming events
2 child limit stunt - 4 april 2025
On Friday 4th April we will be joining others to campaign against the two child limit. If you want to come down to Westminster with the kids and make some noise, drop us an email to register your interest.
child poverty Mp drop in - 22 April 2025
On Tuesday 22nd April we will be attending an event with MPs and Peers at Parliament to let them know how single parent poverty can be addressed. If you would like to be one of the single parents joining us for this event, drop us an email for more details.
Past Events
PENSIons awareness day - September 2021
On 16th September, 2021, we spoke at the Pensions Awareness Day event organised by NOW: Pensions on How single parents can ensure they will have money for the future. You can view the recording here.
southwark council passes a motion of support - July 2021
On 14th July, 2021, Southwark Council unanimously passed a motion in support of the Single Parents Rights’ campaign. Watch the debate here from 2 hours and 37 minutes.
appg on single parent families - april 2021
On 22nd April we presented our latest research findings to the APPG on single parent families at an event chaired by the MP Rupa Huq.
On 21st March - Single Parents Day - ten amazing single parent led groups came together to share what they do. With Rupa Huq, MP - Chair of the APPG on Single Parent Families also speaking. A recording of the event is available here.
On 20th March, in celebration of Single Parents Day, we ran an online event to bring single parents together to build a movement for equality. A recording of the event is available here.
On 10th March, 2011 our founder, Ruth Talbot, spoke at the University of Chester’s Diversity Festival: Race for Equality, on single parent rights. A recording of the event is available here.
Oxford university’s childrens rights network - feb 2021
On 17th Feb, 2021 our founder, Ruth Talbot, spoke at Oxford University at the Oxford Children’s Rights Network as part of the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights Networks’ Seminar Series. A recording of the event is available here.
hackney council passes a motion of support - Jan 2021
On 27th Jan, 2021, Hackney Council unanimously passed a motion in support of the Single Parents Rights’ campaign. Watch the debate here from 3 hours and 2 minutes.
You can support the campaign by writing to your MP, contact your local council to get them on board and sign the petition asking for single parents’ rights to be enshrined in the Equality Act.
Learn More
You can learn more about the campaign for Single Parent Rights here.