action 1: Ask your employer to introduce single parent friendly policies
The Problem: Single parents face greater barriers in work than other groups. Some countries have started to acknowledge the specific needs of single parents, from Germany introducing double parental leave entitlement for single parents compared with two-parent families during Covid lockdowns, to France recently announcing they will provide a day off for divorced parents once a week. Yet in the UK employers rarely consider single parents as a specific group within their Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) strategies.
The Solution: Employers introduce single parent inclusive policies which address the needs of single parents who are unable to shift parent with a second parent.
Take Action: Ask your employer if they have considered the needs of single parents in their HR policies and EDI strategies. Are there specific policies you think would help single parents in your work place? You can share our suggested single parent inclusive policies available to download below.
ACtion 2: Ask a business to introduce single parent friendly prices
The Problem: Single parents face a ‘single supplement’ when buying tickets, holidays and memberships. These higher charges help to subsidise discounted prices for two-parent families.
The Solution: Businesses introduce pricing options which represent value for money for single parent families.
Take Action: Do you know a business which doesn’t have single parent friendly prices? Ask them to consider amending their offer so it’s fair for all family types. You can share our suggested single parent inclusive pricing details available to download below.
ACtion 3: ask your mp to back the campaign for single parent rights
The Problem: Single parents face discrimination in almost all areas of life, from employment to housing; fees to childcare eligibility rules.
The Solution: Add single parents to the UK Equality Act to make single parent discrimination illegal and ensure Government departments consider single parents when developing new policies.
Take Action: Write to your MP asking them to support the campaign to add single parents to the UK Equality Act. You can use our draft letter below.
take your own action
Do you have your own ideas of what needs to change for single parents? We’d love to hear about what types of single parent activism you are getting up to. You can share your stories with us below or come and tell us on Facebook, Instagram or X (formerly known as twitter). We might be able to help raise more awareness of what you are doing.
learn more
If you want to get more involved with the campaign for single parents rights, you can take action here or read about the campaign here. If you want to take your activism to the next level, check out our activism page here. And don’t forget to follow us on socials to stay up to date with all our campaign activities.